Articles lauding and substantiating InvivoSciences’ research, products, and technological advancements have been published in more than a dozen recognized and highly credible scientific journals over the last 20+ years. One of our co-founders, Tetsuro Wakatsuki, has contributed to the research and to the subsequent resulting articles and has become one of the world’s most recognized scientists in the area of micro tissue base high-throughput screening technology.
“Computational modeling for cardiac safety pharmacology analysis: Contribution of fibroblasts.” Gao, X., T. Engel, B. E. Carlson and T. Wakatsuki (2017). Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 87(Supplement C): 68-73.
“High-Throughput Phenotyping of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes and Neurons Using Electric Field Stimulation and High-Speed Fluorescence Imaging.” Daily, N. J., Z.-W. Du and T. Wakatsuki (2017). ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies 15(4): 178-188.
“Calcium Transient Assays for Compound Screening with Human iPSC-derived Cardiomyocytes: Evaluating New Tools.” Daily, N. J., R. Santos, J. Vecchi, P. Kemanli and T. Wakatsuki (2017). Journal of evolving stem cell research 1(2): 1-11.
“Scalable 96-well Plate Based iPSC Culture and Production Using a Robotic Liquid Handling System.” Conway, M. K., M. J. Gerger, E. E. Balay, R. O’Connell, S. Hanson, N. J. Daily and T. Wakatsuki (2015). Journal of Visualized Experiments : JoVE(99): 52755.
“Improving Cardiac Action Potential Measurements: 2D and 3D Cell Culture.” Daily, N. J., Y. Yin, P. Kemanli, B. Ip and T. Wakatsuki (2015). Journal of bioengineering & biomedical science 5(3): 168.
“Protease-Activated Receptor 1 Inhibition by SCH79797 Attenuates Left Ventricular Remodeling and Profibrotic Activities of Cardiac Fibroblasts.” Sonin, D. L., T. Wakatsuki, K. V. Routhu, L. M. Harmann, M. Petersen, J. Meyer and J. L. Strande (2013). Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics 18(5): 460-475.
“Protease-Activated Receptor 1 Inhibition by SCH79797 Attenuates Left Ventricular Remodeling and Profibrotic Activities of Cardiac Fibroblasts.” Sonin, D. L., T. Wakatsuki, K. V. Routhu, L. M. Harmann, M. Petersen, J. Meyer and J. L. Strande (2013). Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics 18(5): 460-475.
“A Method for Quantifying Mechanical Properties of Tissue following Viral Infection”, V. Lam, T. Bigley, SS. Terhune, T. Wakatsuki. PLoS ONE (2012); 7(8): e42197. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042197
“Hydrogel Tissue Construct-Based High-Content Compound Screening”, V. Lam, T. Wakatsuki. Journal of Biomolecular Screening (2011); 16(1):120-8
“High-Throughput Measurements of Hydrogel Tissue Construct Mechanics”, J. P. Marquez, W. Legant, V. Lam, A. Cayemberg, E. Elson, T. Wakatsuki. Tissue Engineering: Part C (2009); 15(2):181-190
“Engineered Heart Tissue: High Throughput Platform for Dissection of Complex Diseases”, J. Lazar, H.J. Jacob, T. Wakatsuki. Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research. (2008); 1(3):232-235
“Tissue Engineering: A New Frontier in Physiological Genomics”, M. C. Petersen, J. Lazar, H. J. Jacob, and T. Wakatsuki, Phys Genomics (2007); 32 28-32.
“Engineered tissue models: Innovative tools for early stage, information-dense, high-throughput screening for drug discovery” T. Wakatsuki, K. W. Lieder, and A. Annac, American Biotechnology Laboratory (2006); 24(11) 10-12.
“Reconstitution of Frank-Starling Mechanism in Engineered Cardiac Tissues”, C. F.. Asnes, J. P. Marquez, E. L. Elson, and T. Wakatsuki Biophysical Journal (2006);91(5):1800-10.
“The Heart’s Biochemical Response to Hypertension and Exercise” T. Wakatsuki, J. Schlessinger, and E. L. Elson, Trends in Biochemical Sciences (2004); 29(11): 609-17.
“Phenotypic Screening for Pharmaceuticals using Tissue Constructs”, T. Wakatsuki, J. A. Fee, and E. L. Elson, Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (2004); 5: 181-189.
“Rho-kinase-mediated Calcium-independent Contraction in Rat Embryo Fibroblasts.” D. A. Emmert, J. A Fee, Z. M. Goeckeler, T. Wakatsuki, E. L. Elson, P. Herring, P. J. Gallagher, and R. B. Wysolmerski, American Journal of Physiology – Cell Physiology (2004); 286: C8-21.
“One-Dimensional Viscoelastic Behavior of Fibroblast Populated Collagen Matrices”, J. E. Wagenseil, T. Wakatsuki, R. J. Okamoto, G. I. Zahalak, and E. L. Elson, Journal of Biomech. Eng. (2003); 125: 719-25.
“Reciprocal Interactions between Cells and Extracellular Matrix during Remodeling of Tissue Constructs” T. Wakatsuki, E. L. Elson, Biophysical Chemistry (2003); 100, 593-605.
“Mechanics of Cell Spreading; Role of Myosin II” T. Wakatsuki, R. B. Wysolmerski, E. L. Elson, Journal of Cell Science (2003); 116: 1617-1625.
“Effects of Cytochalasin D and Latrunculin B on Mechanical Properties of Cells.” T. Wakatsuki, B. Schwab, N. C. Thompson, E. L. Elson, Journal of Cell Science (2001); 114, 1025-36.
“Cell Mechanics Studied by a Reconstituted Model Tissue” T. Wakatsuki, M. S. Kolodney, G. I. Zahalak, and E. L. Elson, Biophysics Journal (2000); 79, 2353-68.
“A Cell-based Constitutive Relation for Bio-artificial Tissues” G. I. Zahalak, J. E. Wagenseil, T. Wakatsuki, and E. L. Elson, Biophysical Journal (2000); 79, 2369-81.
“Collagen Receptor Control of Epithelial Morphogenesis and Cell Cycle Progression” M. M. Zutter, S.A.Santoro, J. E. Wu, T. Wakatsuki, S. K. Dickeson, and E. L. Elson, American Journal of Pathology (1999); 155, 927-40.
“Three Dimensional Reconstitution of Embryonic Cardiomyocytes in a Collagen Matrix: A New Heart Muscle Model System” T. Eschenhagen,. U Remmers, H. Schoz, J. Wattchow, J. Weil, W. Zimmermann, H. H. Dohmen, H. Schafer, N. Bishopric, T. Wakatsuki, E. L. Elson, FASEB Journal (1997); 11, 683-94.
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